
I have a Billy goat named Pan. He is full of himself as he races around the yard, jumps and leaps in the air and butts heads with the white goat in play. He butts me too! He is always my entertainment even when he tries to boss me around.

White goat

Sheepie has a best friend who is a white goat named Somana. Wherever Somana goes, Sheepie follows. I think the secret to a healthy and happy pet is to make sure this pet has a friendly companion.


I no longer focus on what is not working in my life. Lack is no longer my reality. Now I am appreciating how far I actually have moved towards my goal.


I have a miniature donkey named Prince Clover. He is 16 years old. He is very affectionate. He guards the sheep from intruders. He brays when there is a coyote or a snake close by. He was a gift to me when he was very young. I have had him a long time and I adore him!


Zum lets me trim his hooves while he eats. I don’t even have to put on a halter or tie him up! This is a huge improvement from last summer when I had to sedate him just to pick his feet up for any length of time. Zum is slowly accepting what he needs to do to be gentled.


I have a very old pet sheep. She is 14 years old! I rescued her as a baby lamb from a woman who had a husband who forced his wife to get rid of her pets. I will never associate with an inconsiderate bully like this woman’s husband. I rescued two pets from this sad woman…her pet rabbit and her pet sheep. My pet sheep has a nickname…Sheepie. Sheepie is an old lady now but she is going strong!


One force is pushing me away from the pain and fear of my accidents with Zum and another force is pulling me towards my destination of riding Zum again on the trails with excitement and fun.


I lay on Zum’s back so he feels my heart next to his body. I want Zum to believe in my desire to keep him safe from harm. I want him to accept me as his person.


I wiggle my way up on to Zum’s back so he gets used to my legs and feet pressing on his hindquarters.


Zum loves to see new things so he loves it when I take him for walks to new places. When he is interested, he is happy.