

What is my greatest fear? The fear of losing control and feeling powerless. I know that ongoing stress and worry drains a person’s energy. I don’t want stress to wear me down. Instead, I make an effort to focus on joy, purpose and fulfillment to motivate and sustain me.


The intensity of physical pain indicates how much your body needs your attention. It is the same for emotional pain as well. The positive intention created around fear and anxiety is to keep you safe from pain. When you are on high alert, you notice and anticipate danger and take precautions. I am very careful with Zum now.


Every step I take, even the smallest step, carries me forward and changes me. I am stepping out of my comfort zone. This allows Zum and I to increase our strength and stability as well as to expand our awareness and our life together as a team.


A nervous horse like Zum can still be won over. Wild is flight. The tendency of a wild horse is to flee. After the horse goes away, my intention is to renegotiate and invite him back in to me.


There is a fine line between consistently making progress and taking time to adjust to the progress I have made. Zum and I have lots of time. I like to remember that he is my forever horse.


It is my power of choice to decide what is truly important to me. To stay on track and to define more resourceful ways of being, acting and thinking, I have to put everything into action, again and again.

Just do it

I don’t want riding Zum to be a nice thought or a hopeful dream. I am discovering the keys to unlock the fear I feel as well as the anxiety that Zum feels. This process takes awareness, important choices and flexibility. To be the star of my life, I need to take action and just do it!


I am glad that I don’t feel obliged or forced to behave in ways that are determined by others. It isn’t always easy but I choose not to worry about getting approval from others. I depend on my own resourceful and supportive internal responses. I am building trust in myself as well as building trust in Zum.


Zum is very anxious and insecure. I realize that he believes the world is a scary and unfriendly place. He feels trapped. He is always looking for evidence that confirms his limiting idea. My job is to find answers in problems, to understand his confusion and to find possibilities in his limitations.

Good Enough

I believe I am good enough to find true love so I refuse to remain in uncomfortable relationships. Zum is young and anxious but our relationship is growing. He knows that I really love him. I want to gentle Zum and win his trust.