
Buddy wants Zum to learn to walk, trot and canter on command in a circle in both directions at the end of the lead rope.


Buddy put his saddle on Zum easily as Zum stood still. I was very proud of all the training I have done with Zum. Saddling is easy. Buddy’s saddle had a back cinch and a breast collar which Zum has never used before. He was fine with all of it!


I am so grateful to have found a horse trainer for Zum who has worked with most of the natural horsemen. Buddy Uldrikson has a horse ranch outside of Wickenburg. I trailered Zum and Huszar to his ranch today. Buddy worked with Zum in the round pen. He used a long whip with a blue bag tied to the end of it to touch places where Zum held tension. Zum was very tense in his belly, hip and back leg area.

Ice Age

It is interesting to learn that at the end of the Ice Age, there was a rapid spread of thick forests: the prehistoric wild horses that lived in the open plains would have become extinct if the ancient farmers had not domesticated them. Human intervention prevented the horse species from vanishing forever. This knowledge makes me proud to be human. I love my domesticated horses! I am riding Kamar more often now that I am looking for a trainer for Zum.


I have spoken with many horse trainers recently. Most of them agree that Zum’s rearing, bucking and running away can be fixed. One cowboy wants me to trailer Zum to his arena once a week for a lesson. This cowboy said he punishes a horse that doesn’t obey him. One trainer wants me to bring Zum to his ranch so he can work with Zum daily for a month. He has studied with natural horsemen so he understands the concept. Another trainer also wants me to bring Zum to his ranch for a month. He will teach Zum how to get horseshoes put on as a bonus. All these trainers are expensive. While I figure out what to do, I keep working Zum in my round pen.


I asked the young man loading alfalfa into my truck at the feed store if he knew a good horse trainer. He was very enthusiastic about a 19 year old girl that he knew. He said she can ride anything. Today, this young woman drove to my house and agreed to ride Zum. She rode Zum into the field while I followed her riding Huszar. I was very nervous as this is the field where Zum bucked me off in May this year. She handled Zum gently with a loose rein while Zum pranced and tossed his head freely. Zum never reared or bucked but he did dance around. She thinks Zum is attached to me and I shouldn’t sell him. I need her help with Zum.


Just the thought of selling Zum is the dark night of my soul. There has to be a solution to his panic attacks! I called a few horse trainers today. One trainer suggested getting an air gun and shooting it near Zum as he is tied up to a fence. Eventually, Zum should get used to popping sounds. A few trainers agreed that if a rider can successfully stay on Zum after he rears and bucks, Zum may learn to stop doing it. I fly when Zum rears and bucks. And I hurt myself seriously when I land. I cannot keep injuring my body. I know that Zum needs help. And I need help finding help for him!


I rode Huszar and led Kamar for over four hours in the Sonoran desert. It is heaven on earth. Both my horses have a very noble presence that enriches my life.


I have been trying to figure out what to do with Zum. Should I hire a normal trainer? Should I sell him? Can bucking be fixed? Then I realized something important. Zum has never bucked me off in Santa Fe. I know that a horse is highly sensitive and finely tuned to the environment in which he lives. Noisy environments can be distressing to a horse. People who keep their horses near busy roads or in loud neighborhoods report that their horses become high-strung. Police and parade horses need patient training to learn how to not respond to constant noise. Rearing up or fleeing in panic is a normal response for a horse to painful stimuli. Santa Fe is quiet and peaceful for Zum. Where I live in Arizona is full of unbearable, unpleasant noise even for me. I love Zum. I need to find a way to calm his nerves.

Third time

Zum bucked me off for the third time yesterday. There was no apparent reason why he went into a panic, turned around, bucked me off and ran away. I landed on sand as I was riding in a wash. I didn’t break anything but I think I fractured my tailbone. It is very painful. Luckily, a mountain biker found and caught Zum on the trail. Zum was fine. I couldn’t sleep last night because of the pain but also because I don’t know what to do to fix Zum. Can a horse that bucks and runs away be fixed? This photo was taken right before Zum bucked me off.