Tanya’s Jewelry For Love!

Success Earrings and Bracelet
- Attracts money, ensures success, brings good luck in business, draws customers in business
- Amazonite, jade, malachite, moss agate
- Bracelet is 7″ long

Love Earrings and Bracelet
- Promotes love and happiness, gives you courage to love life, draws love and affection into your life, works out problems between lovers
- Rose Quartz and Moonstone
- Bracelet is 7″ long

Beauty Earrings and Bracelet
- Enhances, magnifies and promotes beauty
- Amber, Red Jasper, Amethyst
- Bracelet is 7″ long
Tanya’s Jewelry For Energy!

Health Earrings and Bracelet
- Helps improve health of eyes, promotes healing in the body, speeds healing, brings good health, protects the health.
- Green Agate, Tiger’s Eye, Aventurine, Peridot, Turquoise
- Bracelet is 7″ long

Energy Earrings and Bracelet
- Promotes well-being and provides extra energy, gives endurance.
- Crystal Quartz, Garnet, Rhodochrosite
- Bracelet is 7″ long

Protection Earrings and Bracelet
- Protects against thieves, evil spirits, poison and harm of any kind, repels negative energy. Wear when traveling.
- Amethyst, Garnet, Carnelian, Amber
- Bracelet is 7″ long
All bracelets are $60 each and earrings are $80 each
Also, see Goddess and God/Jewelry page
For pet jewelry, see the Pet Jewelry page